"Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."--- PSALMS 84:10

It has literally taken me sense the last time I blogged to figure out what I wanted to talk about.  There are so many ideas and situations that are not only in my mind to talk about but also in my heart. Sometimes I find it really difficult to take bits and pieces from each idea and just mesh it all together....but here we are.

In the past, I had always considered myself a Christian, whether I thought I was Catholic or even Baptist. There are so many denominations around these days. No matter what the  denomination ...we all believe there is "a God".  But I was never really ever involved with a church.  So here lately I have wanting to be more involved at the church that my family and I attend, so we have been able to get what is called a "Cell" or Bible Study, if you will in our home. We have a deacon from the church that leads our Bible Study every Friday. So just recently (last Friday) by the Grace of God, my husband got to lead the study.  This is something that he has wanted to do since we got fully involved with the church just a year and a half ago.  I was totally amazed by how God is using him! He did such a fantastic job on interpreting the word of God to these young people in the group. As I watched him lead this study, I could see so much emphasis and passion about being able to bring the light to the others in the group. I was just totally awed.

Being that the church that we attend is filled with Spanish language speaking members, its hard for me to invite the people I know to church (because they wouldn't understand). So, being there and watching my husband has inspired me to want to show others the light or just a better life if you will.  My hearts desire is to start a weekly Christian Newsletter and go door to door just trying to make a difference in other people life. I have even thought of like a weekly or biweekly bible study for the neighbor hood kids to come to. I know that I am not a minister or professional preacher (theologists), but I just want to bring some hope to those who need it.!  There is just something unexplainable in my heart; that when i see others suffering from whatever turbulence that life may bring them, I can't help but feel my heart literally breaking for these people.  I want people to feel the happiness and joy that knowing Jesus loves each and every one of us can make them feel.

I had an experience with someone at work the other day, and I guarantee you that the devil is so devious and sneaky that you never know what hit you, until take a minute to reflect.  This gentleman, was trying to convince me that there was no such thing as Heaven or Hell.  He also tried to say other things that if there is somehow "a God" then who made him; and just other questions like that, that true Christians dare not question!  I tried to explain a few of the questions he was asking, but as we both know, you cannot explain the Glory of God to someone who really has no intentions of listening.  So unbelievably I had become very patient with him (although I could feel my heart beating a million miles an hour, and could feel my blood just getting to the point of boiling...Hahaha),  as he sat there in front of me making notion after notion.  He said he was someone who had no belief in any religion or the Bible, but yet contradicted himself by saying that..."well if there is a God, than I believe that there are more Gods above that one and so on and so on".   I really believe that this man is just confused and is searching for something in his life. I wanted to be the one to open his eyes, but there really is no way to help someone understand unless they have the "want to" (listening to the Holy Spirit) or have had a personal experience with God.  So in order things not to escalate to an argument, I politely told him that he was perfectly entitled to his own opinion, BUT I BELIEVE THAT GOD IS OUR ONE AND ONLY CREATOR AND THAT JESUS SAVED ME WHEN HIS BLOOD WAS SHED ON THE CROSS THAT DAY AND WAS RESURRECTED TO GIVE US NEW LIFE AND TO LEAD US TO EVERLASTING "LIFE" IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!


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