...::: THE HARD ROAD:::...

Christianity equals ...HARD ROAD        sin equals....EASY PATH

Believers should know that the Bible is God's words and that the Lord is REAL AND ALIVE!!! We dont just go looking for God. He comes looking for the sheep that have gone astray when he is reay for them (when his mercy falls upon you). There is no such thing as LUCK....but GOD'S WILL.
God has chosen every person for a certain purpose from the time we were only tissue in our mother's wombs: He already knew what he had planned for us. We are all under his promises and just know that He ALWAYS complies to his promises. He sends the good as well as permits the bad , but only to keep our faith strong...Be happy and rejoice when the world is talking about you , because this just means that God HASNT given up on you!! The life of a true Christian is hard but brings enternal life!!!! All that we have recieved from God ( jesus dying for YOUR SINS) : NO ONE can take away from us!!!

My friend, there are so many people in this world who know nothing more than to rip the hopes and dreams from us, but I can promise you that THERE IS ONE and only one person who can make us strong in times of darkness. We must bear in mind that God sends us good, but he also permits the bad things,but only to keep us strong in our faith, this is where he tests us. We are under his promises and HE ALWAYS keeps his promises. Be happy and rejoice when the world is talking about you, because that just means that God is with you.


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